Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Well, it's been a while since I updated my "fashionable" blog, but to tell you the truth, I've been uninspired lately in fashion . For starters, I can't stand the dresses for the season. Those shift dresses, bubble dresses and tube dresses are unflattering to a woman's figure.

In many recent attempts to shop for dresses for various holiday festivities, I've been unsuccessful. All the shops that I normally buy at had nothing to my liking. I thought this was supposed to be the "season of the dress?"

Another possible reason for my disinterest in current fashion trends could be because I don't dress up for work. Now I know this is my fault, but once you hear my argument, you might side with me.

I work with all guys (trust me, this isn't a place to impress anybody). Everybody comes in jeans, sneakers and other non-business attire. This means, I too, come to work really laid-back. Typical work attire is: jeans or velor yoga pants, a T-shirt, sweatshirt (it's really cold in here) and flip-flops. Not exactly what I call chic.

I've tried to persuade myself to dress u a bit, at least with some dress jeans and fancy blouses, but I can't do it...I just sit at a desk all day and would rather spend that extra 20 minutes sleeping than getting ready.

I try to compensate my lack of dress on the weekdays during the week on the weekend, but still feel I'm not up-to-date on the current fashion trends. I definitely need to step up my fashion game, but wished I had a job that required such a dress code.

Oh least my shoe closet is improving with some of Steve Madden's hottest designs!